The Mediums Podcast
Mar 12, 2024
Have you ever had a dream for years and years and you finally take aligned action to make it come true?
That is exactly what happened to me. I have wanted to have a podcast for 10+ years, but it took me until 2024 for me to know exactly what I want to put my heart into.
As many of you know, I have spent 20+ years in corporate America and started my own company in 2023. I have also been a practicing Spiritual Medium for 3 1/2 years. People ask me all the time, how did you go from a Chief Sales Officer to a Spiritual Medium?
Part of this question is answered in my new podcast, The Mediums Podcast. I decided it was time to tell my story in more detail, and also demystify the world of mediums.
The Mediums Podcast is your backstage pass to listen in on the lives of intuitives. It will feel like you get to listen in on that old-school party line as I learn about the everyday lives of other practicing intuitives. Each episode features a different intuitive. AND it has been so much fun getting to know these incredible people who reside all over the world.
The parallel message I want you to receive is that you can follow your dreams too. There is no time limit on what we do or when we do it.
Someone once told me that if I don't start my company before the age of 40, I would never do it.... that is complete hogwash! I was 45! I know something is burning inside of you right now. Maybe it is that you want to learn how to play piano, or maybe you want to start a garden, or maybe you have an idea for a company. I am living proof that if you keep believing in yourself, there will be a time when you feel it is right to go for it.
When you feel fear, do it anyway. Take aligned action, it is a game changer.
So, go check out my podcast and let me know what you think!
I am rooting for you!
Cheers to all of my fellow dream chasers!
:) Kara
P.S. You can listen to The Mediums Podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts. Or, you can check it out on my website too:
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